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Wednesday, July 31, 2019


DRINK, STEAL, SWEAR & LIE (Not what you think, so read on)!


I met this guy while I was in Albuquerque and he has a motto he lives by every day. He said listen carefully and live by these 4 rules: Drink, Steal, Swear, & Lie. I was shaking my head 'no', but he then told me to listen while he explained his four rules. So here they are:

1.. "Drink" from the "everlasting cup" every day.
2.. "Steal" a moment to help someone that is in worse shape than you are.
3.. "Swear" that you will be a better person today than yesterday.
4.. And last, but not least, when you "lie" down at night, thank God for the blessing you received that helped you live through the day

I am not as good as I should be; I am not as good as I could be; but THANK GOD, I am better than I used to be.

- Author Unknown

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