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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Niagara Falls 100 years ago.

Niagara Falls 100 years ago.

Niagara Falls 100 years ago

In Laura Ingalls-Wilder's series of books "The Little House on the Prairie" she described living through this 1911 freeze in Nebraska .

It was one of her many fascinating stories telling a true historical background of an American family in "the good old days". 

Her writings rival Mark Twain.

Margaret writes:
Her mother had a cousin living in Niagara Falls that year. She told the family that she and her neighbors woke up in the night feeling something was wrong. 

It took a while but they finally realized that it was the lack of noise. They had all become so used to the roar of the falls that the silence was unusual enough to alert their senses. Of course at that time nearly all the houses were near the falls. 

Amazing pictures! Almost 100 years old. Can you imagine walking on Niagara Falls ? 

         1911 Photos of Niagara Falls





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