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Tuesday, July 17, 2007



~ Never date anyone who is rude to the waiter/waitress.

~ Never date anyone who is rude to their mother.

~ If they have a tendency to be rude to you now, just wait.

~ If you date someone who doesn't share your standards, they'll lower yours.

~ The five most essential words for a healthy, vital relationship: "I apologize" and "You are right."

~ Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

~ If he/she says you're too good for him/her, believe it.

~ If they have a tough time apologizing now, just wait.

~ Never date anyone who spends more time gazing into the mirror, than they spend gazing into your eyes.

Monday, July 09, 2007


No one is responsible for your happiness, sadness, or success. No one but you. Yes You!

The day you take complete responsibility for yourself and your choice is the day you start a journey toward grand personal fulfillment.

You're the only one that lives your life. Believe it is or not, you do have the power to succeed at anything you choose. The strength to fulfill your dreams is within you , at this very ,moment. Accepting responsibility without excuses, frees your power to achieve.

Focused abundance

Focused abundance

Abundance is all around you. At any given moment, you are immersed in it.

Through the living of your life, you focus that abundance. And it becomes specific experiences, creations and accomplishments.

There is never any shortage of positive possibilities. Whatever your circumstance, life's abundance is available to be transformed by the guiding power of your intentions.

There is always plenty of raw energy available to you. Your challenge is to consistently and persistently direct that energy into a life that is rich and meaningful.

Consider carefully what you choose to allow and what you choose to block. Every choice you make is amplified many times over by the constant flow of abundance that is always present in your world.

Visualize a life that is the best you can possibly imagine. Hold steady to that vision, and you will make it so.

-- Ralph Marston